Ours is a story of secondary infertility and loss. We married February of 2005 and because I had been battling health issues for many years, Rheumatoid arthritis in particular, and didn’t know how those health issues might effect our ability to have children, we decided not to wait. To our surprise we found ourselves pregnant just 2 months later and we gave birth to our beautiful son January 2006. With my medications for RA having risks of birth defects we thought it would be best to have two kids close together, get me back on my meds for 3-5 years and then have another set of kids. So when our son was 9 months old we decided to start trying for baby #2 and after getting pregnant so easily the first time, we thought it would be easy to conceive and then get me back on my medications again quickly. We had no idea then what pain and heartache the next 14 years would bring us. After a couple of years of being off my meds for fear of harming our child and not a single pregnancy, we sought help from my OB. She put us on Clomid and we tried again.

Instagram: Mandy Jensen
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